
felice varini

felice varini

Felice Varini is an artist who paints on or in architectural elements in a way that creates the illusion of a flat pattern or object where one does not actually exist.

The illusion is visible only from one specific angle; when viewed from other points, you can see the fascinating series of markings that make up the piece. He paints on the outside of buildings, inside of rooms, in corridors, across walls, skylights, doors and archways, often creating the illusion of a physical object in space in the middle of an open area. His patterns are frequently optical patterns themselves, creating a sensation of Op Art by way of Christo.

At first it looks as if the pattern might be Photoshopped onto the image until you see the views from other perspectives; then the remarkable finesse with which Varini has created his patterned spaces becomes apparent.

This work in particular is remarkable for it’s scale in which he creates his illusory pattern across the space of a city street using painted markings on multiple buildings.

words were cut and pasted from here

many more pictures here

Jan Dibbets

Percieved artificiality and plastic aesthetics.

Jan Dibbets is associated with the land art and conceptual art movements of the1960s and 70s. His oeuvre is primarily concerned with light, observation, perspective, and space.

More pictures here and more analysis here

lovely photographs of the photograph shirts

unwearables was a creepily brilliant one night extravaganza that was part of the Loreal Melbourne Fashion Festival's Cultural Guide. The brief required invited participants to create 'clothing' that somehow challenged the relationship it had with human bodies. tobiaibot constructed a psuedo reality from virtuality.

March 10 2010

the wonderful folks at tinning street gallery put on a Brunswick show of sorts called Family Ties which opened in April this year. tobiaibot's photograph shirts were cleverly manipulated into lightshades by the fantastic Mr Nicholas Blackmore.

exhibition alert

Acute #4
Expectations of Perspective.

The Exhibition runs from the 2nd of December to the 18th,
opening night is on Thursday the 2nd of December

Tinning Street Gallery

"It is not accidental that perspective, even though it has been
historically considered a realistic device to reproduce reality,
produces an ambivalent condition. It is an instrument capable of
faithfully fixing the exact dimension and position of objects in space
but it is also an instrument capable of producing illusions, in some
cases paradoxically reversing its own mechanisms.

Acute # 4 is a collection of objects and images encompassing three
separate interventions which consider expectations of perspective to
question human processing of the ‘seen’ world. The intention is to
bring attention to ‘invisable’ objects and overlooked hand processes.
Suspended between the trajectories of art and design, Tobia Clark
considers both conceptual and material measures in the array of
garment constructions and her ‘colouring in’.
-The Corner Shirts use anamorphic rules to optically misinterpret
three dimensional objects. (Corner shirts)
-The Photograph Blazers employ virtual (photographically replicated)
woollen fabric to unnervingly mimic reality.
-The Graphs force viewers to look twice at images that initially seem
computer generated but in fact are painstakingly coloured in by hand.
All three attempt to somewhat subvert expectations of perspective and
visual assumption.

‘objects are often invisible to us, gathered up as they are within a
context of functionality and use”
-Martin Heidegger

Artist Information
Acute#4 is the fourth iteration of an ongoing quest.
Tobia Clark is interested in fashion systems and interventions.
She graduated from RMIT with a Bachelor of Design (Fashion) Honours.
She attempts to step diagonally forward.
She is currently based in Melbourne, teaching herself how to make decent nougat.



-severe in effect; intense

-great or serious; crucial; critical:

-brief and severe (opposed to chronic).

- sharp or penetrating in intellect, insight, or perception: an acute observer

-extremely sensitive even to slight details or impressions: acute eyesight.

-sharp at the end; ending in a point.

-an angle less than 90°.

sydney please

White Rabbit (contemporary chinese private art collection)

Object Series 2007-

liu zhuoquan bottles

Liu Zhuoquan, b. 1964 glass bottles, mineral paints sizes variable



hindsight podcasts

tobiaibot is going to keep a tab on the podcasts she has listened to on Radio National,
this is so she does not accidentally listen to them again.

1. A stitch in time: dressmaking in Australia aired on the 1/10/2010

2. Australian Generations: Playtime aired on the 16/05/2010
www.abc.net.au/rn/hindsight/storie s/2010/2858207.htm

3.Come into my kitchen aired on the 13/8/2006

4. Asia Overland - adventures on the hippie trail aired on the 5/07/2009

it seems we are obsessed with history, attempting to recreate it.
was life more adventurous back in the days when there were less people?
will we forget how to create our own history.