
exhibition alert

Acute #4
Expectations of Perspective.

The Exhibition runs from the 2nd of December to the 18th,
opening night is on Thursday the 2nd of December

Tinning Street Gallery

"It is not accidental that perspective, even though it has been
historically considered a realistic device to reproduce reality,
produces an ambivalent condition. It is an instrument capable of
faithfully fixing the exact dimension and position of objects in space
but it is also an instrument capable of producing illusions, in some
cases paradoxically reversing its own mechanisms.

Acute # 4 is a collection of objects and images encompassing three
separate interventions which consider expectations of perspective to
question human processing of the ‘seen’ world. The intention is to
bring attention to ‘invisable’ objects and overlooked hand processes.
Suspended between the trajectories of art and design, Tobia Clark
considers both conceptual and material measures in the array of
garment constructions and her ‘colouring in’.
-The Corner Shirts use anamorphic rules to optically misinterpret
three dimensional objects. (Corner shirts)
-The Photograph Blazers employ virtual (photographically replicated)
woollen fabric to unnervingly mimic reality.
-The Graphs force viewers to look twice at images that initially seem
computer generated but in fact are painstakingly coloured in by hand.
All three attempt to somewhat subvert expectations of perspective and
visual assumption.

‘objects are often invisible to us, gathered up as they are within a
context of functionality and use”
-Martin Heidegger

Artist Information
Acute#4 is the fourth iteration of an ongoing quest.
Tobia Clark is interested in fashion systems and interventions.
She graduated from RMIT with a Bachelor of Design (Fashion) Honours.
She attempts to step diagonally forward.
She is currently based in Melbourne, teaching herself how to make decent nougat.

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