
modified objects and landscapes

tobiaibot is thoroughly excited by artists playing with space and the physical environment.

particularly she is drawn to artists who use linear anamorphic methods (felice varini, jan imberi, jan dibbetts, john pfahl) where a space is imposed upon in a way that creates a visual plane or picture when viewed from one particular angle. she is similarly enticed by those who have taken time to arrange and compose elements of natual or non natural detritus (matt hinkley, andy goldsworthy).
because such procedures bring her attention to the place or object that has been manually altered. she comes to consider what it is and ponders how it requires either subtle or drastic alteration to be considered at all. she appreciates those who notice something and want others to notice it which they do when those who notice also beautifully alter!

jan dibbetts

felice varini

jan imberi

john pfahl

john pfahl

andy goldsworthy

matt hinkley - ink on found object

matt hinkley-carved found object

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